
Secure Platform

We realize that security is a paramount concern in healthcare. Protected Health Information (PHI) is critical to protect and we handle it with care. We run our production environment with multiple layers of security to ensure your data remains private. Additionally Reveal offers the following security features:

  • Integrated Single Sign On (SSO) with your corporate authentication / authorization platform
  • Dedicated tenant with IP restrictions to your organization
  • Certificate based authentication for data transmission

Many people ask how we deal with reviews from their security teams? We’re happy to complete any and all assessments and complete a Business Associate Agreements to ensure your teams are comfortable with our platform.

Scalability is the other major concern for most platforms. Reveal is built to process data on a massive scale, and can accommodate large scale environments with ease. Better yet, we will keep your patient’s entire history so you can see prescribing patterns over time, even if you switch PBMs.